Linggo, Hunyo 16, 2013

Time to enjoy the present

so i was thinking of a lot of things over the weekend. Things mostly about my love life, my love life that has a HUGE question mark on it. I guess I'll never understand it. may be I'm too young to even worry about it but maybe some people are destined to be alone and some people are destined to be with someone that will spend the rest of their lives with. I'm single right now, just broke up with my boyfriend. Even though its only been weeks since the break up, it kinda feels like months had passed and I feel like I'll never find someone else. I know it might sound immature but I know we all feel sad and alone when we just got out from a relationship that you invest all your love in. One of my friends said that everyone in this world has a destiny, a destiny to be with someone 'cause that's what God has planned which I don't know if its true 'cause if it is then, those who have died should have met their destiny before dying. My friend also said that if you pray to God the type of guy you want, he will surely give it to you which contradicts to the point that God does not give you what you want all the time but gives what you need.  So maybe I don't know what my future holds and maybe I don't want to think about it yet cause I don't want to be disappointed again. Some say don't live in the past, some say look forward to the future but I prefer staying in the present and enjoy it as much as I can. Till then... 

Laters. x

Sabado, Abril 27, 2013


These are my picks to play the role of Eva Tramell and Gideon Cross in the Crossfire Series. Amber Heard and Henry Cavill. Two gorgeous actors that I think has the looks to play the two characters. 

Eva has a blonde hair and I imagine her as a strong, confident and beautiful woman that Amber can pull off.  

Amber emanates a charm and fierceness that Eva has and a beauty that captures everyone's attention. 

Henry Cavill is born to play the role of Gideon Cross. Although he can also be Christian Grey but whichever he plays, he is PERFECT. 

I saw one of his interviews and I was captivated. He's a charmer. He knows how to make a girl melt just by gazing in his eyes. He also has a smile that you can't resist. 

The reason why this guy is so perfect, 'cause not only he has the looks but if you look into his eyes, you'll see how serious he can be and how dark he can be. 

So I hope that these two can land the role of Eva and Gideon... if ever they decide to make it into a movie like Fifty. 


Laters, Baby! x

Lunes, Abril 22, 2013

Maybe My happy ending is moving on..

Maybe my happy ending is moving on.. 

I was miserable. Still miserable. He was my first love. He was the husband I see next to me. I know.. its cheesy. I'm a hopeless romantic or maybe just hopeless. I don't know if anyone out there have ever felt this way before, you know the feeling when you know that you are going to cry over the same heart break from the same guy every day of your life. This is the worst heart ache I have ever had so far. Like I'm crying when I'm alone so I try to avoid being left out in one place. I hate being alone. Whenever I think of him, I doodle on my notebook or any piece of paper I see or I even do origami (Which I'm not good at), I avoid chick flicks, I will grab the remote from my sister or my mom just to change the channel. I stopped reading romantic novels even though I love them. I deactivated all my social networks and turned off my phone. So as you can see, I'm miserable. 

I keep telling myself that I'm going to be fine.. I'm going to be okay.. I'm going to be happy again.. and I find it hard to believe that. You know the awesome advice you give to your friends but you yourself can't even follow your own advice. Sad truth. 

There are times I regret breaking up with him.. and realize how I miss him. But what I failed to remember sometimes, I deserve better. He is a great guy. What we shared was love and that was the happiest days of my life but maybe we are not for forever. I know deep down inside that maybe this is a good thing. Maybe... 

I hope someday, we can see each other.. maybe with someone else.. I hope to see him happy even if its no longer with me... 


Here's a song that I would like to dedicate to you.. J. 

"After all that we've been through.. I know we're cool." 

Linggo, Abril 21, 2013

Amber Heard as Eva Tramell in the Crossfire series?

Amber Heard as Eva Tramell? What do you think? I like Amber when I saw her in the movie The Ward and I saw a hint of Kristen Stewart in her and she has a pretty face a sexy body that is perfect for Eva. 

Here's a picture of her with her hair tied up the same way Eva had when she first come in to work in Crossfire. 

So.. What do you think? Is she prefect? :)

Share you thoughts with me. 

laters, xoxo

Cross and Grey

Wow. When I first saw this picture that's the word that popped in my head right away. These guys are so perfect to play the role of the two characters every girl in the world wants. I mean look at them! If being gorgeous is a crime, they are guilty. I just wish that Gideon and Christian can come out from the book and be like a live breathing guy in planet earth. 
anyways, I thought I should share this picture. :)
laters. xo

Cross Fire Series

Bared To You by Sylvia Day.. A book that is similar to Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm currently reading the first book after reading Fifty 3 times and I'm so glad to read Bared To You. The reason why I said that its similar to Fifty? The main character Gideon Cross is also a CEO in his own company, He also has a dark side, and a very VERY handsome face and a hot bod. The female lead Eva Tramell is a little different from Anastasia, well first she's blonde and she has experience unlike the sweet and innocent Ana. Gideon Cross is expressive unlike Christian. Christian has a problem with expressing his true feelings to Ana at first while Gideon expressed right away that he wants Eva. This book is straight forward and very romantic. Kudos to writers who knows what they want and knows how to express it. 
Check out my other posts okay? 
Laters, Baby. x